• Multifamily Properties

  • Company Mandate

  • Lawyers

  • HIPAA Regulated & Biotech

  • Financial

  • Retail

  • Individuals Working at Home


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Multifamily Properties

Over 90% of renters say access to high-speed Internet is essential.  But many suffer from old WiFi routers limiting the speed, non-compliant firewalls built into the router (if any), and lack of data security.  In addition, competition to attract and retain tenants is fierce. inBuilding Connect helps tenants get better performance from their Internet connection and provides them multiple layers of data security from which they can select Low/Medium/High risk profile without needed to be an expert on the components of the data security. 

Company Mandate

Any company with employees working from home needs to be concerned whether their employees have data security.  It’s not only to protect the employee’s data, but an unsecured or inadequately secured home computer can be used by hackers to penetrate the employer’s network.  While a VPN helps by encrypting the data between the router and the office, it doesn’t screen the home computing devices to identify and eradicate viruses and malware resulting in exposure to the company’s data, financial records, bank accounts, and proprietary information, as well as the information of the company’s clients.  The employer can specify the level of data security  (Low, Medium or High) and inBuilding Connect can provide a standardized level for each employee (or even different by groups).


The American Bar Association imposes an obligation on lawyers to take positive, reasonable steps to safeguard information relating to clients and often have contractual and regulatory duties to protect confidential information.  Some states also impose an obligation to encrypt data and have a data security plan. The consequences of lawyers failing to do can include serious issues, including regulatory penalties, loss of public and client trust, malpractice allegations and lawsuits.  Imagine the ramifications if a lawyer has to explain they haven’t taken any steps to protect the data at home, and they could have done so for a very minor cost.  If a lawyer is working from home at least part of the time, they need to take steps immediately.

HIPAA Regulated & Biotech

People who collect individuals’ health information (known as protected health information of PHI) have special obligations to protect the integrity and non-disclosure of the records. They also must detect and safeguard against anticipated threats to the security  of the information and certify compliance by their workforce. Penalties for any failure to do so can be very significant, including criminal penalties.  Biotech companies often house proprietary and confidential information, which may include HIPAA regulated data.  inBuilding Connect provides HIPAA covered entities and those with confidential and proprietary information with protection.   


Companies regulated by FINRA are obligated to have written policies and procedures that are reasonably designed to safeguard customer records and information. Some of the cybersecurity controls obligations include patch management, secure system configuration, identity and access management, vulnerability scanning, endpoint malware protection email phishing protection, security awareness training, and encrypted data. inBuilding Connect supplies the data security components.  As with many other industries, many financial service firms have employees working from home and accessing the corporate data remotely. Let inBuilding Connection help protect you.


Most retailers provide WiFi in their store for their own use and for their customers. A large number of the WiFis are out of date, limit the throughput of the data, and/or lack data security.  Plus, the WiFi may lack separate access credentials for guests, further exposing their network. inBuilding Connect provides a next-gen, high throughput WiFi and data security that can be bifurcated between use by the retailer and their customers. Performance, protection and safety. 

Individuals Working at Home

Many people working from home are not part of a separate company with an office location.  However, they have similar concerns to others for Internet speed and data security for their protection, and the protection of their children. inBuilding Connect WiFi includes high-throughput, data security protection and parental controls they can adjust for their children including content filtering based on the user’s age, security from hackers and privacy threats, ability to view browsing history, set bedtimes and homework times, suspend the Internet and manage access to apps and websites.

Improving how people work from home

Working remotely has grown in importance as has the need for fast Internet service with data security. Following is a list of key venues for inBuilding where people work remotely and industry groups who particularly benefit from inBuilding Connect.

Next-generation WiFi

Multiple levels of data security

Made simple

Data security Statistics



say they have experienced a cyberattack or data breach in the past 18 months.


Reported Breach

say it resulted  from tech issues or behavior related to working from home



say they have have lost money or revenue as a result of the breach

Compelling Solution

  • Next gen, mesh WiFi for better speed and home coverage
  • Multiple layers of data security (select Low/Medium/High)
  • Separate security for family and business

For Building Owner/Manager

  • Enhance your tenants' experience
  • Distinguish available amenities with new solution at no cost
  • Provide additional value for tenants

For Regulated Industries

  • There are two kinds of enterprises: those that have had a data breach and those who are about to have a data breach
  • Refusing to take precautions, especially when offered protection, is a very perilous position
  • Therefore, don't risk your reputation, customer relationships and even your license by not getting security in place

The Solution

inBuilding Connect
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